The graduate program in biology of infectious agents and Parasitological (PPG BAIP) opens call for nominations for selection of master's degree for the biennium 2016-2017.

From 2014, when it was officially recognized by CAPES, the PPG BAIP opens annually registration for the selection of the master course. Single program in the North region in the area of Microbiology and Parasitology with note 5 CAPES evaluation, the program aims to train and empower Teachers from professionals in the areas of life sciences, medical and Biomedical, using the backdrop of the reality of human and animal populations in the Amazonian context.

Recently the PPG BAIP suffered modifications in his regiment, and from the year 2016 is just one area of concentration: Biology and epidemiology of infectious agents and Parasitological, spanning multiple lines of research such as: Arbovirologia, bacteriology, Entomology, epidemiology, Helminthology, Molecular Genetics of microorganisms, Immunology, Immunogenetics, Malacology, Mycology, parasitology, Protozoology and Virology.

This year the selection will appear for written test based on data published in scientific articles dealing with current affairs and relevant to the area of the programme, as the description of natural infection in monkeys in the Amazon (de Alvarenga et al. 2015); epidemiological data on resistance genes of pathogenic bacteria (Cuny et al. 2015); a discussion about the processes of survival of the etiological agent of leishmaniasis in the cells of the host (Duke & Descoteaux 2015); the description of a case of malignant tumour formation induced by intestinal parasites (Muehlenbachs et al. 2015); a new technology for detecting viral infections in humans (Xu et al. 2015).

Will be offered slots 10 (all on scholarship) for the next term. The value of the inscriptions was kept in R$ 150.00 (150 dollars) and the Bill for payment can be taken on the site of FADESP ( After payment of the registration fee, applicants must deliver the completed registration form , along with the other documents requested in the public notice.

Registration for the selection process for the new students of the 2016-2016 biennium will be open during the period from 11/23/2015 to 1/8/2016. The written exam will be held on 1/20/2016 and the end result will be released from 2/5/2016. More information on the websites of the program and or by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..



Registration form

Form for application for Exemption of registration fee
