UFPA, through its Pro-Rectory of Research and Post-Graduation (PROPESP), has increased its attendance to the demand of the Graduate Programs, in relation to the aid in the acquisition of medium and large equipment. This support has been occurring through the selection / management of proposals forwarded to the CAPES / PRO-EQUIPAMENTOS and Official Notices MCT / FINEP / CT-INFRA-PROINFRA. Thus, PPGBAIP has gradually increased the number of Multiuser Equipments and reformed and expanded its physical structure, through the contribution of these two Official Notices.
Name: BioDrop Duo
Description: Spectrophotometer for quantification of DNA, RNA, without need of calibration, Two in one: reading in bucket (10 mm) and platform for microvolumes.
Multiuser: yes ( ) no ( X )
Location: Laboratory of Applied Genetics
Name: Laminar Flow
Description: Designed to create sterile work areas for the handling of biological or sterile materials that cannot be contaminated with the environment, ensuring safe handling.
Multiuser: yes ( X ) no ( )
Location: Laboratory of Microbiology and Immunology
Name: Flow Cytometer
Description: Used to count, examine and classify microscopic particles suspended in flowing liquid medium. It allows the analysis of several parameters simultaneously, being also known by multiparametric flow cytometry. By means of an optical-electronic detection device, it is possible to analyze the physical and / or chemical characteristics of a single cell. The flow cytometer is similar to a microscope that produces, rather than images from the cell, a quantification of a set of parameters. Biological tissue analysis requires the preparation of a cell suspension.
Multiuser: yes ( X ) no ( )
Location: Laboratory of Virology
Name: Image Capture Microscope and DIC
Description: Used to obtain microscopic images by Light Microscopy and Differential Interference Contrast Microscopy.
Multiuser: yes ( X ) no ( )
Location: Laboratory of Cell Biology and Helminthology
Name: Image Capture Microscope and DIC
Description: Used to obtain microscopic images by Light Microscopy and Differential Interference Contrast Microscopy.
Multiuser: yes ( X ) no ( )
Location: Carlos Azevedo Research Laboratory
Name: Fluorescence Microscope
Description: The fluorescence microscope is a variation of the ultraviolet light microscope in which objects are illuminated by rays of a given wavelength. The observed image is the result of the electromagnetic radiation emitted by the molecules that absorbed the primary excitation and re-emitted a light with a longer wavelength. To pass only the desired secondary emission, appropriate filters must be placed under the condenser and above the objective. It is used to detect substances with autofluorescence or substances marked with fluorochromes.
Multiuser: yes ( X ) no ( )
Location: Laboratório de Biologia Estrutural
Name: Multi-Leitor de Microplacas
Description: Analyzer based on the principles of flow cytometry. The system allows analysis of up to 100 samples on a single microplate.
Multiuser: yes ( X ) no ( )
Location: Laboratory of Microbiology and Immunology
Name: DNA Sequencer
Description: It performs a series of biochemical methods whose purpose is to determine the order of the nitrogen bases adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C) and thymine (T) of the DNA molecule.
Multiuser: yes ( ) no ( X )
Location: Laboratory of Virology
Name: ABI3130 Sequencer
Description: It performs nucleotide detection (A, C, G, T) sequentially using Sanger's methodology.
Multiuser: yes ( ) no (X)
Location: Laboratory of Arbovirology and Hemorrhagic Fevers
Name: Illumina MiniSeq Platform Sequencer
Description: It performs nucleotide detection (A, C, G, T) sequentially using New Generation methodology.
Multiuser: yes ( X ) no ( )
Location: Laboratory of Arbovirology and Hemorrhagic Fevers
Name: Illumina NextSeq Platform Sequencer
Description: It performs nucleotide detection (A, C, G, T) sequentially using New Generation methodology.
Multiuser: yes ( X ) no ( )
Location: Laboratory of Arbovirology and Hemorrhagic Fevers
Name: PCR Thermocycler
Description: Thermocycler for amplification of genome fragments using endpoint technique.
Multiuser: yes ( ) no (X)
Location: Laboratory of Arbovirology and Hemorrhagic Fevers
Name: PCR Thermocycler
Description: PCR Thermocycler for amplification of DNA fragments.
Multiuser: yes ( ) no ( X )
Location: Edilson Matos Research Laboratory – ICB / Histology 3rd Floor
Name: Real-time PCR Thermocycler
Description: Real-time quantitative PCR thermocycler with integrated platform system with high performance for detection and quantification of DNA copies, quantification of gene and protein expression, genotyping of alleles, detection of amplified DNA sequences, quantitative analysis of methylation of DNA, quantitative analysis of microRNA expression with real-time monitoring of products amplified by homogeneous chemical reactions.
Multiuser: yes ( ) no (X)
Location: Laboratory of Arbovirology and Hemorrhagic Fevers
Name: Real-time PCR Thermocycler
Description: Real-time quantitative PCR thermocycler with integrated platform system with high performance for detection and quantification of DNA copies, quantification of gene and protein expression, genotyping of alleles, detection of amplified DNA sequences, quantitative analysis of methylation of DNA, quantitative analysis of microRNA expression with real-time monitoring of products amplified by homogeneous chemical reactions.
Multiuser: yes ( X ) no ( )
Location: Laboratory of Virology